Read about news relating to CECA South West:

CECA South West ‘Safe Digging’ Event
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CECA South West held a successful all-day event at Exeter Racecourse with guest speakers, field demonstrations and exhibitions based around the theme of ‘Safe Digging’ on Thursday (11 July). UPDATE 18/07/24 – you can now view and/or download the slides from the day here and here. Guest speakers included representatives from Kier, Contain, MJ Church,…

The CECA South West Members Meeting on 26th June 2024 at Sandy Park was a great success
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Fifty people were at Sandy Park for our second Members’ Meeting of 2024 Our speakers were: Alasdair Reisner, CEO of CECA National. Alasdair updated members on national issues affecting our industry and how the CECA team in Westminster are addressing them. Alasdair’s presentation can be viewed here :CECA South West – 26 June 2024 John…

CECA South West Members Meeting Wednesday 26th June at Sandy Park, Exeter
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Tea/coffee will be available from 9:30am and the meeting will commence at 10am. A buffet lunch will be available when the meeting closes at approximately 1pm. Our speakers on the day are: John Chaplin, Director of External Affairs & Special Projects at Port of Bristol will be giving an overview of current port activities, imminent…

CECA South West Members’ Meeting 27th March 2024
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Our CECA South West Members’ Meeting was held on Wednesday 27th March at Sandy Park. Over fifty people were in the room and our five speakers gave informative and engaging presentations. Speakers on the day were: Matt Hodson, Chief Operations Officer of Celtic Sea Power (pictured above) explained about the important green energy initiative for…

CECA South West Annual Review 2023
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Click above to read a flip-book version of the CECA South West Annual Review 2023. To download a PDF version of the CECA South West Annual Review 2023, click here.

CECA South West Training Programme 2024
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We are delighted to announce that our 2024 training programme has now been finalised. You can see full details here. Notification of each course will be circulated to members approximately 5-6 weeks prior to each course for bookings. Lucy is already in the process of advertising the courses taking place in January 2024. Please note booking places…

On Wednesday 6th December, over 40 people were in the Estuary Suite at Sandy Park for the last CECA South West Members’ Meeting of 2023
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Our speakers were: Eifion Jones, Business Growth and Investment Director of Plymouth and South Devon Freeport who explained the role of this new organisation and the substantial infrastructure opportunities which will follow on. View presentation 231205 PASD Freeport CECA Dec23 Final Nigel Riglar, Executive Director Place at South Gloucestershire Council who spoke about pipeline opportunities…

CECA South West Members’ Meeting 6th December 2023
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Wednesday 6th December in the Estuary Suite, Sandy Park, Exeter. Our full list of speakers who will be presenting at the meeting are: Eifion Jones, Business Growth and Investment Director of Plymouth and South Devon Freeport who will explain the role of this new organisation and the substantial infrastructure opportunities which will follow on. Nigel…