NAWIC Women’s PPE Campaign Webinar

27 Mar
27 March 2024, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
MS Teams


CECA are proud to be supporting NAWIC Yorkshire (National Association of Women In Construction) in their campaign to highlight why inclusive PPE matters & have teamed up with them to run a 1 hour FREE webinar for all CECA members.We all recognise that ill-fitting personal protective equipment (PPE) for women has been an issue in the construction industry for decades. NAWIC Yorkshire recently found that 59.6% of employers do not provide women’s specific PPE, and with the number of women in the industry increasing every year, it’s a problem that we need to solve urgently.Women have had to suffer through the negative effects of wearing ill-fitting unisex PPE. It is not just uncomfortable, it is DANGEROUS.

Just some of the issues identified by women include;

◼ Oversized boots causing a trip hazard, discomfort, and health problems (i.e.. Tendinitis, Morton’s Neuroma)

◼ Oversized gloves causing issues with gripping handrails and tools

◼ Baggy clothing causing trip & trap hazard

◼ Difficulty in adjusting harnesses to fit

◼ ill-fitting PPE restricting movements and requiring constant adjustment

◼ ill-fitting goggles steaming up and hampering vision.

With the UK industry reporting 45 fatalities in 2022/2023 alone, surely we could and SHOULD be doing more to get the basics covered.Join Katy Robinson, as she talks about the barriers to receiving women-specific PPE, the effects of ill-fitting PPE, and what we can all do to become more inclusive employers and better protect our female workforce.

There will be an opportunity to ask questions at the end of the session.

PLEASE NOTE: An email will be sent to you nearer the time with a MS Teams link to join the webinar.