Making London’s Lorries safer – Proposals for changes to the HGV Safety Permit Scheme

TFL Progressive Safe System Consultation

TfL have launched a consultation on their proposals to create a Progressive Safe System (PSS) as part of the HGV Safety Permit Scheme. Its aim is to further reduce the risk that heavy goods vehicles (HGVs) over 12 tonnes pose to vulnerable road users, such as people walking and cycling.

In 2019 the Mayor launched the world leading Direct Vision Standard (DVS) and HGV Safety Permit Scheme as part of his Vision Zero commitment to eliminate deaths and serious injuries from London’s roads by 2041. It became enforceable in March 2021. DVS tackles road danger at its source by minimising HGV blind spots which contribute to many tragic deaths and life-changing injuries.

Early results show the number of fatal collisions involving HGVs and vulnerable road users where vision was a contributory factor have halved since 2018. But TfL are not looking to be complacent. In order to reach the Mayor’s Vision Zero target, they need to go further.

In October 2024, the DVS requirements of the HGV Safety Permit Scheme will increase from one star to three stars. At the same time, they propose to introduce a PSS for vehicles not meeting that standard.

The PSS will build on the requirements of the 2019 safe system, and take into account advances in technology. They would like to hear your views on our proposals.

Please go to their consultation webpage: to find out more and express your views. Your feedback will help inform the development of PSS requirements. You have until 3 April 2023 to do this.

Please share this information with others in your networks who might be interested in taking part.

If you have any questions please email with ‘Making London’s lorries safer’ in the subject line.

Christina Calderato

Director of Transport Strategy & Policy

Transport for London