CECA South West – NEC4 Pricing Contracts and Managing Risk Workshop

Members only
23 Feb
23 February 2022, 9:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Microsoft Teams

This one-day workshop is a closer review of the tendering stage of a project and how the risk is managed throughout the life of a project. It will review the documents that the Client puts into a Contractor’s tender, as well as the considerations that the Contractor should consider when they are preparing their tender return. It is very important that a Contractor understands the risks and obligations that they are signing up to with any new contract and be able to price accordingly. This session will look at Contractor considerations or allowances they should be making when they are pricing an NEC contract. It will consider any elements that are new or different compared to NEC3 contracts that people will have used previously.

This workshop is recommended for anyone who is involved in preparing or reviewing contract documents at tender stage, as well as anyone involved in administering an ECC contract on a live project to understand what part the documents play in the administration of a project.  This will include project managers, contract managers, quantity surveyors, clients, consultants, planners, Contractors and their supply chain.

The course is delivered by Glenn Hide, GMH Planning and the full course outline can be found here.

If you wish to book a place on this workshop please send the completed Booking Form to Lucy Hudson.

This workshop is free to members.