CECA South West – Common NEC4 Pitfalls and how to avoid them (GMH Planning)

Members only
25 Apr
25 April 2023, 8:45 am - 4:15 pm
Via MS Teams

Why should you attend this workshop?

This one-day workshop will consider some of the more common issues or misconceptions concerning aspects of NEC4 contracts. It is essential that any party entering into an NEC contract know what they are signing up to at tender stage, and how to administer the process during the life of the project. The processes within the contract are largely intended to be pro-active and easy to understand, but it is important to understand the subtleties to minimize any potential impact of not following the prescribed rules.

This workshop is recommended for everyone currently involved with or about to be working under an ECC or ECS contract including project managers, contract managers, quantity surveyors, clients, consultants, planners, to make sure they understand which elements of contract data will affect their own specific roles within their organisations.

Course Grading: Intermediate

The course is delivered by Glenn Hide, GMH Planning

Date:    Tuesday 25 April 2023

Start 08:45 – Finish 16:15

Venue: Virtual via MS Teams

Cost:    Free of charge to CECA members

Please note there is a £150 + VAT charge for a no-show on the day

Places are restricted to a total of 20 delegates. Therefore, places are limited to 2 per member company and will be dealt with on a first-come first-served basis. However, please advise if you other delegates wishing to attend, so they can be added to the reserve list.

If you wish to book a place please complete the Booking Form and return it to Lucy Hudson.