CECA Southern – NEC4 Overview for those with NEC Experience Workshop – 09 January 2024

Members only
9 Jan
9 January 2024, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
Via MS Teams

This one-day workshop introduces you to the common philosophies of the NEC family of contracts and focuses in more detail upon the key mechanics and provisions of the NEC4 Engineering and Construction Contract (ECC) highlighting changes from NEC3.

Attendees of this course will have a much clearer understanding of the intent of the specific contractual clauses of the ECC contract and in practical terms begin to see how they should administer them for the benefit of all parties on a particular project.

This workshop is recommended for anyone currently involved with NEC3 contracts who wish to have a good understanding of the changes that NEC4 will bring on a practical basis, including project managers, contract managers, quantity surveyors, clients, consultants, planners, contractors and their supply chain.

Please note: Members should only attend one of the Overview sessions as they are all very similar, i.e. the NEC4 Overview, the Overview and Introduction to the Engineering & Construction Subcontract workshop and the NEC4 Overview (for those who are new to NEC4).

The course is delivered by Glenn Hide, GMH Planning and the full course outline can be found here.

If you wish to book a place on this workshop please send the completed Booking Form to Lucy Hudson.

This workshop is free to members.

There is a £150 + VAT charge for non-attendance on the day