Politics and Infrastructure in Wales

14 Jul
14 July 2021, 9:30 am - 10:30 am
MS Teams

It’s over a month since the Senedd elections, Ministerial positions and portfolios have been allocated and a new Programme for Government for the next 5 years has been announced. Does this matter for civil engineering businesses? Well, yes it does. And not just what’s happening at the Senedd but also at Westminster. So, if you’re not convinced of the connection between politics and infrastructure then you clearly haven’t been paying attention to what’s been going on around the world! And if you’re not aware of the need for civil engineers to be “politically-savvy” then, I suspect, you’ll find it very difficult to promote your projects as, whether we like it or not, these projects all need political will and “buy in” to progress. The creation of a “Ministry for Climate Change”, within which sits many elements of infrastructure, sends a very clear message to our industry of the future direction. That’s why all of us involved in the planning and delivery of infrastructure programmes need to be conscious, aware and “in tune” with the prevailing political environment – locally, across Wales, the UK and beyond.

CECA Wales, in partnership with Positif Politics, have come together with our partners in the Welsh Infrastructure Alliance (WIA), to provide an overview of the current political environment and its potential impact on infrastructure development in Wales. Positif are one of Wales’ most authoritative public affairs consultancies in Wales with considerable experience of the political scene across Wales and the UK and will provide an insight into the current political “mood”.

I would be delighted if you could join us at this session to listen to our briefing and contribute to the debate. To reserve your place, please contact Deborah@cecawales.co.uk and we will provide you with joining details. The event will be free.

I look forward to “virtually” seeing you.

Ed Evans

Director CECA Wales